
Creating effective SEO keywords is crucial for improving your site’s visibility in search results. By optimizing your content with relevant keywords, you make it more likely to appear when users search for information related to your niche.

How do I create SEO keywords?


When creating keywords, focus on providing value to users rather than simply targeting high volumes of traffic. Use keywords accurately and appropriately to establish trust and authority around your subject matter. Write natural sounding content organized logically rather than awkwardly fitting in keywords.

Understanding Keyword Research

Conducting keyword research gives you insight into what terms people use when searching for your products, services and information. As you create content, refer to your research to help guide your optimization strategy.

Some key things effective keyword research tells you:

  • Popularity – How frequently are people searching for a given term? What’s the approximate monthly search volume?
  • Relevance – How relevant is the keyword to your site or content? Does it describe what you offer?
  • Competition – How much competition exists for that keyword? High competition makes it harder to rank well.
  • User Intent – What are users looking to do when searching for that term? Do they want to purchase, read a blog, find contact info?
  • Optimization Tips – What other keywords are commonly used around that term? What should you mention in content?

By understanding the above information, you can identify effective keywords to focus on.

Choose Relevant, Popular Keywords

When deciding which keywords to optimize for, choose terms that are:


  • Closely describe your business, products, services and information
  • Matched to what users would likely search for


  • Have significant search volume each month indicating demand
  • May have some competition as this suggests relevancy

For example, a shoe blog may target keywords like:

  • “blue sneakers”
  • “running shoe reviews”
  • “plantar fasciitis shoes”

These keywords represent what readers likely search for and care about around the topic.

Avoid Over-Optimization

While keywords are important for discoverability and traffic, overusing them looks unnatural and damages the user experience.


  • Stuff endless keywords randomly without context
  • Repeat the same phrases over and over
  • Write awkward sounding content just to place keywords


  • Research 4-5 primary keywords to focus on
  • Naturally work these into your text early on
  • Use related secondary keywords for supporting information

Write smoothly flowing content focused on your audience. Work in keywords appropriately without forcing things.

Craft Descriptive Titles

Article and section titles make great opportunities to establish keywords and key phrases early on.

When creating titles:

  • Incorporate your primary keywords naturally near the beginning
  • Keep titles under 60 characters – they can truncate in search results
  • Use descriptive, interesting language that compels clicking

For example:

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Running Shoes (primary keywords early on)

How to Fix an Uncomfortable Running Stride (clear, engaging title)

Rather than:

Things and Stuff About Running Shoes (vague, less compelling)

Use Headings to Organize Around Keywords

Break content into logical sections marked by clear headings incorporated into your site’s HTML. Most sites use <H1> tags for primary page titles, <H2> tags for section titles, <H3> subsections, etc.

Optimize headings around your main keywords like:

<H2> Choosing the Best Running Shoes </H2>

<H3> Determine Your Arch Type</H3>

Headings break up walls of texts and also help establish keywords. Just take care not to overdo things. Stick to 2-3 related keywords per heading.

Provide Value, Build Trust

The most effective content provides genuine value to those who read it by solving problems, educating, entertaining and more. Useful content also establishes trust and goodwill with readers.

When optimizing content with keywords, the focus should always be crafting great information readers benefit from long after clicking from search results.

Some tips:

  • Share actionable tips and detailed guidance
  • Provide thoroughly researched information
  • Remain honest and ethical at all times
  • Link out to authoritative sources
  • Craft content specifically for humans, not algorithms

Search engines continue advancing capabilities of detecting manipulation efforts focused solely on ranking well versus actually helping searchers. Keep this in mind with optimization and always aim to provide value.

Practice Good SEO Writing Fundamentals

When working keywords into content naturally, also leverage other optimization best practices including:

Use scannable section formatting – Frequent headings, short paragraphs, lists and tables make skimming easy for humans and search bots.

Front-load key information Work primary keywords and key information into your first 100 words. Capitalize on visitors who may not scroll down far.

Include media Images, charts and videos improve engagement where relevant. Optimize media file names and ALT text areas for keywords too.

Check your work Use online tools like Yoast SEO or the Hemingway App to analyze readability, keyword placement and other optimization factors.

Link out to resources Links show trust while expanding topical relevance. But avoid aggressive over-optimization pointing only to your own properties.

Creating engaging, informative content focused on benefiting readers provides the foundation for organic discovery and traffic growth. Handle keywords judiciously as part of providing value.

Key Takeaways

  • Keyword research reveals what terms people search most related to your business. Identify a few highly relevant phrases with decent search volume.
  • When writing optimized content, naturally incorporate important keywords early on without awkwardly forcing things.
  • Craft compelling titles and headings using target keywords appropriate to establish page topics.
  • The focus should be providing value to site visitors through useful content rather than pure optimization plays. Building trust earns more long-term traffic.


Carefully optimizing your content using relevant keyword phrases allows more people to access your expertise and offerings through search. But overly aggressive efforts risk turning off visitors with Sammy or manipulative content.
The most sustainable approach is creating content for the benefit of others on topics you know well. Handle search optimization gently in support of connecting searchers with truly valuable information. The rest follows from there.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How many keywords should I optimize for per piece of content?
    Focus on optimizing around 3-5 primary keyword phrases per piece with supporting secondary terms mixed in. Too many keywords crammed in looks unnatural.

  2. Can keyword optimization help blog posts rank?
    Yes, optimizing blog content boosts visibility substantially for relevant search queries. Use keywords appropriately in early paragraphs, titles, metadata and images.

  3. Which keyword type converts better – short tail or long tail?
    Generally long tail, multi-word keyword phrases relate more directly to specific user intents driving higher conversion rates. But aim for a healthy mix of topical short tail and deeper long tails.

  4. How much content is needed around one focus keyword?
    At least 300-500 words focusing on a primary keyword phrase is best for Sabots to recognize authority and expertise around that topic in ranking content.

  5. Can I rank a brand new informational site?
    Yes you can, but it takes time and lots of optimized, authoritative content linked together to build domain authority signaling expertise in an area. Expect 6-12 months minimum to gain traction.

  6. How often should I update old content with new keywords?
    Review top existing content 1-2X per year for new keyword opportunities based on evolving search data and queries. Don’t over-optimize. Update lightly to keep information fresh.

  7. What are keyword stuffing penalties and how can I avoid them?
    Stuffing endless awkward keyword repetition risks getting flagged for manipulation. Keep language conversational, work in keywords naturally under 5% density. Offer value, don’t chase algorithms.

  8. How do I incorporate keywords naturally?
    Work primary and secondary keyword phrases smoothly into sentences related to the topic rather than forced repeating. Allow 1-3 exact match uses per piece focusing early on.

  9. Can I rank number one on Google with the right keywords?
    Possibly over time, but number one rankings depend more on overall authority and trust signals not keywords alone. Good keyword usage supports quality content that earns trust.

  10. What SEO optimization should I do first?
    Start by identifying valuable informational content opportunities around widely searched keywords. Establish expertise and trust with writers knowledgeable on popular topics searchers care about.

  11. Do keyword rich domains help with SEO?
    Exact match keyword domains can help boost relevancy signals initially but become less important over time as domain authority grows based on utility of the actual content. So they help some early on but focus more on site content itself.

  12. What’s better for SEO – short articles or long form content?
    Generally longer, deeper content like 2,000+ words indicates higher topical authority helping pages rank so aim for long-form in-depth content. But shorter snackable info has engagement benefits too.

  13. Should I use semantic keywords in content?
    Yes, work in synonyms, plural forms of keywords, related terminology etc. naturally where relevant to indicate wider topical expertise to search algorithms. But read naturally.

  14. How often should I create new content for SEO?
    For news sites and blogs, publish 1-2X per week to showcase expertise and serve reader demand. Other informational sites can get by with publishing deeply useful new content every month or two. Quality and depth over quantity.

  15. Can I rank a site by spinning existing content into “new” pages?
    No! Search engines quickly identify and may ban sites merely recycling or lightly spinning existing info into duplicate pages. Create 100% original content, even on same topics.

  16. What’s a focus key phrase in Yoast?
    The focus key phrase refers to the primary 3-5 word keyword phrase an article targets optimizing for. Input this to tune Yoast SEO content analysis to your keyword to better optimize it within your page.

  17. What are organic search results?
    Organic search results are web page listings on SERPs based purely on relevancy to a search phrase rather than paid ads. Ranking here depends entirely on site authority and keyword optimization relative to a search.
  18. What SEO competition metrics should I pay attention to?
    Keywords displaying high search volume, solid CPC data and low-medium competition scores may offer your best content ROI potential for driving relevant organic traffic based on difficulty to rank vs. demand.

  19. Should I care about voice search optimization?
    Yes, voice queries now account for 20%+ of searches and growing. Optimize content for longer, conversational queries people use speaking to assistants. Feature these natural language keywords to cover both search channels.
  20. Why doesn’t my site appear for my brand name search?
    Try optimizing your home page, contact and about us pages targeting brand name keywords to establish that association directly for Google. This helps legitimize you as the authority for your business name queries.

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